Monday, November 30, 2009

Google Wave

Hello, World!

I'm switching from my old blog to this one so that I can interact with Google Wave here. I've figured out how to embed a Wave here, but I'm going to wait to actually embed one until I figure out how to make the embedded Wave read-only (it may be that Google hasn't implemented this possibility yet).

Along with the change in blog URL, I plan to use this blog in a more user-friendly way than I have treated my blogs in the past. In my other blogs, my thoughts have been primarily "notes to self" which others were welcome to wade through if they really wanted to deal with the sometimes unclear and unorganized ramblings of my brain. This blog will be different. I don't promise to blog often, but when I do, it will be clear!

I hope you enjoy it!

Steven M. Lulich
Saint Louis, 2009

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